
Data, code and other random resources from the NRD lab

Data/Code from publications

We aim to put all of our data and code online. Our code comes with no guarantees.

Wilson and Collins (2019) PsyArXiv
Code to generate figures.
Zajkowski, Kossut, & Wilson (2017) eLife 6, e27430
Behavioral data from TMS experiment & code to generate figures in paper.
Wilson, et al. (2014) JEP: General 143(6), 2074-2081
Behavioral data from original Horizon Task experiment.
Wilson, Nassar, & Gold (2013) PLoS Computational Biology, 9(7), e1003150
Code for reduced change point model. Generates most figures from paper.
Wilson, Nassar, & Gold (2010) Neural Computation 22(9), 2452-2476
Code to implement Bayesian change point model with unknown hazard rate.
Wilson (2009) Neural Computation 21(3), 831-850
Code to implement Parallel Hopfield Networks.

Useful functions/tutorials

Useful Matlab functions
Handy functions mostly for making figures.
Psychtoolbox tutorial
Example code introducing the basics of Psychtoolbox.

Random others